Cameras (1579) / Camcorders (65)

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Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6K (L-Mount) Body
Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6K (L-Mount) Body
6K-Digitalfilmkamera mit Vollformat-HDR-Sensor für 6048x4032 Pixel, Dual-Native-ISO, L‑Mount, Aufzeichnung auf CFexpress-Speicher oder Direkt-Aufzeichnung auf USB-C-Speicher, 6K Blackmagic-RAW-Bilder 12 Bit, H.264-Proxys in ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -4% Price: 3 207 € / 2 946 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 93.04 €
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Discount 8%
Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K G2 Body (MFT-Mount)
Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K G2 Body (MFT-Mount)
Live-Produktionskamera im winzigen Gehäuse, Four-Thirds-Sensor mit Dynamikumfang von 13 Blendenstufen, Low-Light-Leistung, 4K Video (2160p/60), 2-Kanal-Audio, integr. Farbkorrektor und Unterstützung der Objektivsteuerung über ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -4% Price: 1 241 € / 1 141 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 36.04 €
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Discount 8%
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K (Micro Four Thirds Mount)
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K (Micro Four Thirds Mount)
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K; 5-tolline LCD mahtuvusliku puuteekraaniga; Anduri efektiivne suurus: 18,96 mm x 10 mm (neli kolmandikku); kaks loomulikku ISO väärtust kuni 25 600 HDR-piltide jaoks; MFT kinnitus elektroonilise ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -4% Price: 1 599 € / 1 144 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 36.13 €
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Discount 28%
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K G2
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K G2
Suurem 6144x3456 Super 35 sensor (23.1x12.99mm); EF objektiivide bajonett; 5.0" (1920x1080) LCD mahutundlik puuteekraan; Dual native ISO tundlikkus kuni 25,600; RAW salvestamine; XLR mikrofoni sisend
- 0 +
LISAKS -3% Price: 2 471 € / 2 357 €   |   In stock (5-6 working days) Kuumakse al. 74.44 €
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Discount 4%
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K G2 Body
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K G2 Body
5" LCD 1920x1080 mahtuvusliku puuteekraaniga, efektiivne sensori suurus: 23,1 mm x 12,99 mm (Super 35), Super 35 HDR-andur, EF-kinnitus, dünaamiline ulatus 13 f-stoppi
- 0 +
LISAKS -4% Price: 2 479 € / 2 278 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 71.95 €
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Discount 8%
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro
Hele 1500 cd/m² kallutatav HDR LCD; Super35 HDR-andur, Gen 5 värviteadus; Kaks XLR-sisendit, Canoni aktiivne EF-kinnitus; NP-F570 aku, sisseehitatud ND-filtrid; Salvestage 6K 6144 x 3456 kuni 50 kaadrit sekundis; Dual Native 400 ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -4% Price: 3 113 € / 2 860 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 90.33 €
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Discount 8%
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (EF-Mount)
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (EF-Mount)
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (EF-Mount)
- 0 +
LISAKS -3% Price: 3 476 € / 3 326 €   |   In stock (5-6 working days) Kuumakse al. 105.05 €
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Discount 4%
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (L-Mount)
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (L-Mount)
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (L-Mount)
- 0 +
LISAKS -3% Price: 3 680 € / 3 520 €   |   In stock (5-6 working days) Kuumakse al. 111.17 €
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Discount 4%
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (PL-Mount)
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (PL-Mount)
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K (PL-Mount)
- 0 +
LISAKS -3% Price: 3 924 € / 3 752 €   |   Out of stock Kuumakse al. 118.50 €
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Discount 4%
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K, EF-Mount Camera
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K, EF-Mount Camera
6K Vollbildsensor Digitalfilmkamera, EF-Mount, Standbilder bis zu 24,6 MP, 4" HDR Touchscreen, eingebauter Lautsprecher/Mikrofon, zwei CFexpress Steckplätze, USB-C Erweiterungsport, Blackmagic RAW, Bluetooth, inkl. DaVinci Resolve ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -4% Price: 3 703 € / 3 401 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 107.41 €
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Discount 8%
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K, L-Mount Camera
Blackmagic PYXIS 6K, L-Mount Camera
6K Vollbildsensor Digitalfilmkamera, L-Mount, Standbilder bis zu 24,6 MP, 4" HDR Touchscreen, eingebauter Lautsprecher/Mikrofon, zwei CFexpress Steckplätze, USB-C Erweiterungsport, Blackmagic RAW, Bluetooth, inkl. DaVinci Resolve ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -4% Price: 3 703 € / 3 401 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 107.41 €
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Discount 8%
Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus G2
Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus G2
Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus G2
- 0 +
LISAKS -3% Price: 1 681 € / 1 599 €   |   In stock (5-6 working days) Kuumakse al. 50.50 €
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Discount 4%
Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Pro G2
Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Pro G2
Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Pro G2
- 0 +
LISAKS -3% Price: 2 293 € / 2 185 €   |   Out of stock Kuumakse al. 69.01 €
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Discount 4%
Canon EOS C300 Mark III+EU-V2 Expansion Body Camcorder
Canon EOS C300 Mark III+EU-V2 Expansion Body Camcorder
EU-V2 Erweiterungseinheit + Cinema EOS Body Camcorder, 8,85 MP, Super 35 mm CMOS Sensor, XF-AVC 4K Aufzeichnung, EF-Bajonett wechselbar auf PL, 2x CFexpress-Karte (SD für Fotos), optionaler elektronischer Sucher (EVF-V50/70), 2x ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -2% Price: 11 515 € / 10 411 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Canon EOS C400 Body Cinema Camcorder
Canon EOS C400 Body Cinema Camcorder
19,05 MP, Full frame 6K BSI Sensor, Canon RF-Mount, Dual Pixel CMOS AF II, XF-AVC/S, XF-HEVC S, High Frame Rate Recording (8K 60 / 4K 120), wechselbar auf PL/EF, Recording auf 1x CFexpress-Karte 2.0 Type-B, 1x SD (Foto), ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -2% Price: 9 246 € / 8 360 €   |   Preorder Kuumakse al. 264.04 €
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Discount 9%
Canon EOS C500 Mark II
Canon EOS C500 Mark II
5,9K täiskaadrimõõdus CMOS-sensor: Haarav täiskaadriline välimus tõetruu värviesitusega; Kaks CFexpressi pesa: Samaaegne või vahelduv salvestamine; Pildiprotsessor DIGIC DV7: Kaamera täpsemate funktsioonide toetamiseks; Sisemine ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -2% Price: 12 794 € / 11 568 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Canon EOS C500 Mark II + EU-V2 Expansion Body Camcorder
Canon EOS C500 Mark II + EU-V2 Expansion Body Camcorder
EU-V2 Erweiterungseinheit + Cinema EOS Body Camcorder 20,8MP, Super 35 mm CMOS, Dateiformat: Cinema RAW Light, XF-AVC, EF-Mount, Speichermedium CF/SD Karte, 2x XLR, 1x 12G-SDI Out, HDMI A, USB
- 0 +
LISAKS -2% Price: 13 818 € / 12 494 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Canon EOS C70
Canon EOS C70
Avastage filmimaailma uuel moel, kasutades Canoni RF-kinnitusega Cinema EOS-süsteemi.; 4K / 120 kaadrit/s: Super 35 mm CMOS-sensor, mis tekitab vähem müra; Kahekordse võimendusega väljund: 16+ astmega dünaamiline vahemik; ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -2% Price: 5 758 € / 5 206 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 164.42 €
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Discount 9%
Canon EOS C80 Body Cinema Camcorder
Canon EOS C80 Body Cinema Camcorder
Cinema EOS Kamera mit RF-Bajonett, 6K BSI-Vollformatsensor, Dual Pixel CMOS AF II, DIGIC DV7 Prozessor, Triple Base ISO, 12 Bit Cinema RAW Light, 4:2:2 10-Bit-Aufzeichnung, integrierter ND-Filter, 3,5 Zoll LCD-Touchscreen, 2x ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -2% Price: 6 343 € / 5 735 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 181.13 €
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Discount 9%
Canon Legria HF G70
Canon Legria HF G70
4K UHD 3840 × 2160 25p videosalvestus; 20× optiline suum (29,3–601 mm); Intelligentne optiline stabilisaator; 3,5-tolline pööratav puutetundlik LCD-ekraan; 2 × SD-kaardipesa, USB-C ühendus
- 0 +
LISAKS -3% Price: 1 243 €   |   In stock (5-6 working days) Kuumakse al. 39.26 €
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