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Candy CF 4C6F1X nõudepesumasin, Free standing, C, Width 59,7 cm...
Candy CF 4C6F1X Dishwasher, Free standing, C, Width 59,7 cm, 14 place settings, Stainless steel
LISAKS -5% |
Price: 494 €
| Preorder
Kuumakse al. 15.60 € |
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Candy CF 5C6F0B nõudepesumasin, Free standing, C, Width 59,7 cm...
Candy CF 5C6F0B Dishwasher, Free standing, C, Width 59,7 cm, 15 place settings, Black
LISAKS -5% |
Price: 484 €
| Out of stock
Kuumakse al. 15.29 € |
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Nõudepesumasin, mahutab 13 nõudekomplekti, AirDry õhkkuivatus, D, 46 dB, viitstart, invertrmootor. Programmid: 160 minuti programm, 60 minuti programm, 90 minuti programm, automaatprogramm AUTO Sense, Eco, masina pesu, 30 minuti ...
LISAKS -8% |
Price: 468 €
| In stock (7-9 working days)
Kuumakse al. 14.78 € |
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LISAKS -6% |
Price: 601.31 € / 578.16 €
| In stock (7-9 working days)
Kuumakse al. 18.26 € |
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Electrolux integreeritav nõudepesumasin EEA12100L A+, 45cm
Integreeritav nõudepesumasin, 45 cm, 2 korvi, mahutav 9 nõudekomplekti, 5 programmi, 4 temperatuuri, AirDry automaatne ukse avanemine programmi lõppedes, viitstart 3 h, veesensor, helisignaal, invertermootor. Programmid: 160 ...
LISAKS -5% |
Price: 346 €
| In stock (5-7 working days)
Kuumakse al. 10.93 € |
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