In stock
item is availabe in our or partners warehouse, shipping starts in 24h
In stock ( 4-5 wd )
item is availabe in partner warehouse (in parentheses the estimated delivery time is shown in working days)
Out of stock/Arriving
item is temporarily out of stock or currently arriving to warehouse (in parentheses the estimated arrival date is shown if known)
item is currently neither in our nor partners warehouse or it is only preorderable (delivery time needs to be specified)
SMEG õhupuhastaja Victoria, seina, 110 cm, 784 m3/h, 63 dB, kiltkivi hall - Seinale paigaldatav õhupuhastaja, Victoria-sari, 110 cm, mehaaniline juhtimine, 3 kiirust + intensiivne, 2x1W LED
- 3000 °K valgustus, 4 alumiiniumrasvafitlrit, mootor 275 W, viimistlus: läikiv kiltkivihall. Min. kaugus gaasipliidist 750 mm, elektripliidist 650 mm.