Children (29059) / Robootika (23)

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BBC micro:bit Kitronik leiutaja komplekt 10 eksperimendiga
BBC micro:bit Kitronik leiutaja komplekt 10 eksperimendiga
BBC micro:bit Kitronik leiutaja komplekt 10 eksperimendiga
Price: 37.90 €   |   Preorder
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Inter-Tech korpus ODS-716 f. Raspberry Pi 4 88887359
Inter-Tech korpus ODS-716 f. Raspberry Pi 4 88887359
Inter-Tech korpus ODS-716 f. Raspberry Pi 4 88887359
- 0 +
Price: 12.25 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Inter-Tech korpus ODS-721 Raspberry Pi 4 88887360
Inter-Tech korpus ODS-721 Raspberry Pi 4 88887360
Korpus on valmistatud täielikult alumiiniumist ja pakub seetõttu ideaalset soojusjuhtivust.; Korpuse põhi ja kate on kokku kruvitud, mis aitab kaasa kogu konstruktsiooni stabiilsusele.
- 0 +
Price: 10.75 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Inter-Tech korpus ODS-727 Raspberry Pi 4 88887361
Inter-Tech korpus ODS-727 Raspberry Pi 4 88887361
Inter-Tech korpus ODS-727 Raspberry Pi 4 88887361
- 0 +
Price: 42.50 €   |   In stock (7 working days)
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Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B must
Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B must
Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B must
- 0 +
Price: 10.25 €   |   In stock
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Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B, must
Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B, must
Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B, must
- 0 +
Price: 10.90 €   |   In stock (12 working days)
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Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B, must
Joy-IT korpus Aluminium Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B, must
See hinnalise disainiga alumiiniumist ümbris on väga vastupidav ja kaitseb teie Raspberry Pi 4 B suurepäraselt välismõjude eest. Kõigi liideste jaoks on väljalõiked, mis muudavad need juurdepääsetavaks. Kanali freesimine ülaosas ...
Price: 9.50 €   |   Out of stock
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Joy-IT korpus Aluminum Casing for Raspberry Pi 5 (must)
Joy-IT korpus Aluminum Casing for Raspberry Pi 5 (must)
- 0 +
Price: 10.75 €   |   In stock (12 working days)
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Joy-IT korpus Aluminum Casing for Raspberry Pi 5 (must, with Ha...
Joy-IT korpus Aluminum Casing for Raspberry Pi 5 (must, with Halterung)
Price: 10.75 €   |   Out of stock
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Joy-IT korpus Armor Case "Block Acitve“ Raspberry Pi 4, must
Joy-IT korpus Armor Case "Block Acitve“ Raspberry Pi 4, must
"Armor Case Block Active" on teie ideaalne valik, kui see läheb väga kuumaks. See kvaliteetne alumiiniumipõhine ümbris kaitseb teie Raspberry Pi 4 B mitte ainult väliste põrutuste, vaid ka sisemise liigse kuumenemise ...
- 0 +
Price: 8.90 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Joy-IT korpus Armor Case "Block Active" Raspberry Pi 4 B
Joy-IT korpus Armor Case "Block Active" Raspberry Pi 4 B
Akrüülist valmistatud vastupidav plastkorpus veenab kaasaegse disaini ja tehniliste uuenduste poolest.; Ainus eristav omadus on selle korpuse uus lukustusmehhanism. Selle saab kokku panna mõne sammuga ja magnetlukk tagab hõlpsa ...
Price: 10.25 €   |   Preorder
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Kosmos robot Morpho - Your 3-in-1 Robot 620837
Kosmos robot Morpho - Your 3-in-1 Robot 620837
Kosmos 62083. Toote tüüp: Programmeeritav robot, Soovitatav vanus (min): 8 aasta(t), Toote värv: Sinine, Hall
- 0 +
Price: 52 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kosmos robot Proxi - Your programming robot 620585
Kosmos robot Proxi - Your programming robot 620585
Kosmos 62058. Toote tüüp: Programmeeritav robot, Soovitatav vanus (min): 10 aasta(t), Toote värv: Mitmevärviline
- 0 +
Price: 125 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 8.29 €
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Raspberry Pi 3 korpus Case, must
Raspberry Pi 3 korpus Case, must
Raspberry Pi 3 korpus Case, must
- 0 +
Price: 7.90 €   |   In stock (12 working days)
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Raspberry Pi 4 B korpus Case, must
Raspberry Pi 4 B korpus Case, must
Raspberry Pi 4 B korpus Case, must
- 0 +
Price: 4.75 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Raspberry Pi Foundation Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B
Raspberry Pi Foundation Case for Raspberry Pi 4 B
Gehäuse for Raspberry Pi 4 B valge
- 0 +
Price: 4.75 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Raspberry Pi housing 4 Argon One M.2
Raspberry Pi housing 4 Argon One M.2
Raspberry Pi housing 4 Argon One M.2
- 0 +
Price: 64 €   |   In stock (12 working days) Kuumakse al. 11.35 €
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Raspberry Pi Joy-IT housing 4 Argon One
Raspberry Pi Joy-IT housing 4 Argon One
Joy-IT housing for Raspberry Pi 4 Argon One
- 0 +
Price: 36.90 €   |   In stock (12 working days)
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Raspberry Pi korpus Kunststoffgehäuse for Raspberry Pi 5 (hall)
Raspberry Pi korpus Kunststoffgehäuse for Raspberry Pi 5 (hall)
- 0 +
Price: 13.90 €   |   In stock (7 working days)
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Raspberry Pi korpus Kunststoffgehäuse for Raspberry Pi 5 (punan...
Raspberry Pi korpus Kunststoffgehäuse for Raspberry Pi 5 (punane)
- 0 +
Price: 13.25 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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