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Kärcher mikrokiudrull kivipindadele FC 2-4 Microfiber Roller for Stone Surfaces, 1tk
Kärcher mikrokiudrull kivipindadele FC 2-4 Microfiber Roller fo...
100% mikrofiiber; Eemaldab ja seob mustuse tõhusalt; Suurepärane puhastustulemus; Masinpestav 60°C juures; Ühilduv FC 2-4 põrandapesuri kate
LISAKS -12% Price: 20.25 €   |   Preorder
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Kärcher nurgaga pihustustoru 2.638-817.0 Angled Spray Lance, must
Kärcher nurgaga pihustustoru 2.638-817.0 Angled Spray Lance, mu...
Eriti pikk, nurga all olev pihustustoru (u 1 m), et puhastada kerge vaevaga ka kõige raskemini ligipääsetavaid kohti, nt vihmaveerenne või sõidukite kerealust piirkonda.
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LISAKS -9% Price: 67 € / 59 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 11%
Kärcher õhufilter Air Inlet Filter
Kärcher õhufilter Air Inlet Filter
Kärcher õhufilter Air Inlet Filter
LISAKS -8% Price: 13.50 €   |   Out of stock
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Kärcher otsik 2.645-384.0 eco!Booster 145 Multi Jet Lance, must
Kärcher otsik 2.645-384.0 eco!Booster 145 Multi Jet Lance, must
Kärcher otsik 2.645-384.0 eco!Booster 145 Multi Jet Lance, must
- 0 +
LISAKS -12% Price: 43.50 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kärcher otsik 2.645-387.0 eco!Booster 130 Multi Jet Lance, must
Kärcher otsik 2.645-387.0 eco!Booster 130 Multi Jet Lance, must
Kärcher otsik 2.645-387.0 eco!Booster 130 Multi Jet Lance, must
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LISAKS -12% Price: 43.50 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kärcher otsik Flexible Crevice Nozzle, must
Kärcher otsik Flexible Crevice Nozzle, must
Kärcher otsik Flexible Crevice Nozzle, must
- 0 +
LISAKS -9% Price: 11.90 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days)
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Kärcher otsik tolmuimejale 2.863-306.0 Long Slope Nozzle for WD Vacuum Cleaner, must
Kärcher otsik tolmuimejale 2.863-306.0 Long Slope Nozzle for WD...
Kärcher otsik tolmuimejale 2.863-306.0 Long Slope Nozzle for WD Vacuum Cleaner, must
LISAKS -11% Price: 11.25 €   |   Preorder
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Kärcher otsikud Car Interior Cleaning Set 2.863-304.0
Kärcher otsikud Car Interior Cleaning Set 2.863-304.0
Kärcher otsikud Car Interior Cleaning Set 2.863-304.0
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LISAKS -17% Price: 79.90 €   |   In stock Kuumakse al. 7.52 €
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Kärcher otsikud Zestaw do czysz. samochodu do VC 4 Cordless
Kärcher otsikud Zestaw do czysz. samochodu do VC 4 Cordless
Kärcher otsikud Zestaw do czysz. samochodu do VC 4 Cordless
- 0 +
LISAKS -10% Price: 20.50 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kärcher Paber/Ühekordselt kasutatav 2.863-299.0
Kärcher Paber/Ühekordselt kasutatav 2.863-299.0
Kärcher Paber/Ühekordselt kasutatav 2.863-299.0
- 0 +
LISAKS -16% Price: 11.75 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kärcher parketiotsik Nozzle Parquet for VC 2 / VC 3
Kärcher parketiotsik Nozzle Parquet for VC 2 / VC 3
Pehmete harjastega Kärcheri parketiotsak parketi ja muude tundlike põrandate õrnatoimeliseks puhastuseks.
- 0 +
LISAKS -10% Price: 21.90 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kärcher poleerimismasin FP 303 Polishing Machine, valge/must
Kärcher poleerimismasin FP 303 Polishing Machine, valge/must
Kärcher poleerimismasin FP 303 Polishing Machine, valge/must
LISAKS -9% Price: 268 €   |   Preorder Kuumakse al. 8.46 €
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Kärcher polstriotsik 2.885-018.0
Kärcher polstriotsik 2.885-018.0
Käsiotsik märgtolmuimejatele. Ideaalne polstri (nt tugitoolid, sohvad, kušetid ja autoistmed) sügavpuhastuseks. Töölaius 110 mm. Sobib mudelitele SE 3001, SE 4001 ja SE 4002.
- 0 +
LISAKS -10% Price: 27.90 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kärcher põrandapesumasin BR 30/4 C ADV Scrubber Dryer
Kärcher põrandapesumasin BR 30/4 C ADV Scrubber Dryer
Kärcher põrandapesumasin BR 30/4 C ADV Scrubber Dryer
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LISAKS -5% Price: 1 387 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 43.81 €
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Kärcher põrandapesumasin EWM 2 Floor Cleaner, hõbedane/valge
Kärcher põrandapesumasin EWM 2 Floor Cleaner, hõbedane/valge
Eemaldab üheaegselt kuiva ja märja mustuse; Põrandad on kuivad ja kõnditavad umbes 2 minuti pärast; Rulle võib pesta pesumasinas 60°C juures; Kerge disain ja liigendatud pesupea; Täis aku puhastab umbes 60 m²
- 0 +
LISAKS -9% Price: 164 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.23 €
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Kärcher põrandapesumasin FC 2-4 Battery Set, must/hõbedane
Kärcher põrandapesumasin FC 2-4 Battery Set, must/hõbedane
Kärcher põrandapesumasin FC 2-4 Battery Set, must/hõbedane
- 0 +
LISAKS -9% Price: 145 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.60 €
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Kärcher Puhastustarbed 2.863-255.0
Kärcher Puhastustarbed 2.863-255.0
Kärcher Puhastustarbed 2.863-255.0
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LISAKS -10% Price: 36.50 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Kärcher puhastusvahend Floor Cleaner for Stone RM 537, 500ml
Kärcher puhastusvahend Floor Cleaner for Stone RM 537, 500ml
Floor cleaner RM 537 for streak-free cleaning results on tiles, stone, and natural stone; Removes dirt effectively and gently and is also suitable for use on vinyl, PVC, and linoleum; Pleasant fresh citrus scent; Application ...
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LISAKS -10% Price: 10.50 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days)
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Kärcher puhastusvahend Floor Cleaner Universal RM 536, 500ml
Kärcher puhastusvahend Floor Cleaner Universal RM 536, 500ml
Suitable for all hard floor types: Floor cleaner Universal RM 536; Removes dirt for streak-free cleaning results. Effective moisture protection prevents the floor from macerating. Citrus scent.; No need to wipe again; Application ...
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LISAKS -12% Price: 9.25 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days)
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Kärcher rullide komplekt Microfibre Roller Kit (FC 5 / FC 5 Premium) kollane
Kärcher rullide komplekt Microfibre Roller Kit (FC 5 / FC 5 Pre...
The 2-part microfibre roller set for the Kärcher Hard Floor Cleaner enables the careful moisture cleansing and maintenance of all hard floors - also parquet. The rollers are lint-free, absorbent and extremely hard-wearing.; ...
- 0 +
LISAKS -12% Price: 29.25 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days)
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