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Falcon Eyes kangasfoon Background Cloth BCP-10 2,9x5m, Chroma Green Washable
Falcon Eyes kangasfoon Background Cloth BCP-10 2,9x5m, Chroma G...
2,9 × 5 m taustakangas; Valmistatud vastupidavast kergest kangast; Ideaalne taust videotööde jaoks; Chromakey roheline. Chromakey taustu kasutatakse nii fotograafias kui ka videograafias selleks, et taust hiljem digitaalselt ...
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LISAKS -12% Price: 59 € / 53.71 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Clamp + Spigot CL-CLIP
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Clamp + Spigot CL-CLIP
The Falcon Eyes CL-CLIP Clamp + Spigot is a strong metal spring clamp ideal for use in the studio, on location or even just at home. The strong spring ensures the clamp is strong enough to securely clamp together studio equipment, ...
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LISAKS -2% Price: 3.90 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Falcon Eyes kinnitus Clamp + Tube Clamp EC32CL
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Clamp + Tube Clamp EC32CL
The Falcon Eyes EC32CL consists of a strong metal tube/table clamp and a synthetic tube clamp. The metal clamp is easy to adjust and can be clamped onto a tube, table or board up to 40mm thick. The round tube clamp of the EC32CL ...
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LISAKS -11% Price: 38.90 € / 35.66 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 8%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Double Tube Clamp EC-28 for 19/22/25/28 mm Tubes
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Double Tube Clamp EC-28 for 19/22/25/28 mm...
The Falcon Eyes EC-28 Double Tube Clamp is suitable for tubes with a 19, 22, 25, 28 or 30 mm diameter. The EC-28 can, for example, transform a fixed boom arm into a flexible boom arm. The clamp can be rotated 360° allowing you to ...
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LISAKS -12% Price: 13.90 € / 12.64 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Double Tube Clamp EC-32 for 16/20/28/30 mm Tubes
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Double Tube Clamp EC-32 for 16/20/28/30 mm...
The Falcon Eyes EC-32 Double Tube Clamp is suitable for tubes with a 16, 20, 28, or 30 mm diameter. The EC-32 can, for example, transform a fixed boom arm into a flexible boom arm. The clamp can be rotated 360° you to position ...
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LISAKS -12% Price: 13.90 € / 12.64 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Double Tube Clamp FB-008-3 28 up to 35 mm
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Double Tube Clamp FB-008-3 28 up to 35 mm
The Falcon Eyes FB-008-2 Double Tube Clamp enables you to mount 2 tubes together or to mount a tube on to a light stand. The FB-008-3 can either be mounted in such a way that the tubes run parallel to each other, or so that the ...
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LISAKS -6% Price: 18.90 € / 17.91 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 5%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus klamber Clamp CL-CLIP3
Falcon Eyes kinnitus klamber Clamp CL-CLIP3
Metallist klamberkinnitus stuudios kasutamiseks. Sobib suurepäraselt nii välklambi hoidmiseks kui taustade fikseerimiseks. Klambri haaratsid on kaetud kummiga.; Laius: 61 mm; Sobib kuni 34 mm esemete haaramiseks
LISAKS -6% Price: 5.99 €   |   Preorder
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Falcon Eyes kinnitus Magic Arm NCLG-30CL
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Magic Arm NCLG-30CL
Vabalt painutatav; Pikkus 64 cm; Klamber mõlemas otsas
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LISAKS -19% Price: 26.25 €   |   In stock (5-6 working days)
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Falcon Eyes kinnitus Shelf Clamp + Spigot CL-35AL
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Shelf Clamp + Spigot CL-35AL
The Falcon Eyes CL-35AL Shelf Clamp is a universal metal clamp equipped with a spigot. The CL-35AL can be clamped onto a table or thin board of between 10-35mm thick, making it suitable for use in the studio or on location. The ...
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LISAKS -15% Price: 13.90 € / 12.33 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 11%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Shelf Clamp + Spigot Holder CL-35FL
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Shelf Clamp + Spigot Holder CL-35FL
The Falcon Eyes CL-35FL Shelf Clamp is a metal clamp suitable for a 10-35mm thick, table, shelf or board. The clamp has a rubber coating to prevent damage and slipping. The CL-35FL is equipped with a 1.6cm opening and wing bolt ...
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LISAKS -15% Price: 10.90 € / 9.78 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 10%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Super Clamp CL-22
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Super Clamp CL-22
The Falcon Eyes CL-22 Super Clamp is essential for a photo studio as it can be fixed to almost anything. An array of accessories can be mounted on to the CL-22, meaning you have a sturdy mounting point at almost any place in your ...
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LISAKS -9% Price: 26.90 € / 24.83 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 7%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Super Clamp CLD-22
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Super Clamp CLD-22
The Falcon Eyes CLD-22 Super Clamp is a universal double table and tube clamp. The clamps are made of solid metal and are both equipped with a spigot adapter, allowing you to mount them on to a light stand or tripod. The clamps ...
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LISAKS -6% Price: 48.90 € / 46.21 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 5%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Suspended Clamp CL-C35
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Suspended Clamp CL-C35
The Falcon Eyes CL-C35 Suspended Clamp is a strong metal spring clamp ideal for use in the studio, on location or even just at home. The strong spring ensures the clamp is strong enough to securely clamp together studio equipment, ...
Price: 2.85 €   |   Preorder
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Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp + Ball Head CL-35S
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp + Ball Head CL-35S
The Falcon Eyes CL-35S Tube Clamp is a tube or table clamp equipped with a ball head containing a ¼” universal male thread. The CL-35S can be clamped onto tubes, tables or boards up to 35mm thick.
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LISAKS -7% Price: 10.90 € / 10.39 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 4%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp + Clamp CL-35C1
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp + Clamp CL-35C1
The Falcon Eyes CL-35C1 Tube Clamp is a universal metal clamp allowing you to attach for example, a background board to a (light) stand or shelve. One side of the CL-35C1 is equipped with a tube clamp, suitable for tubes or planks ...
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LISAKS -15% Price: 10.90 € / 9.78 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 10%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp + Spigot CL-35M
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp + Spigot CL-35M
The Falcon Eyes CL-35M Tube Clamp is equipped with a spigot and can be clamped on a tube, table or board up to 35mm thick. The CL-35M is equipped with a 1.6cm opening and wing bolt enabling you to insert and fasten, the ...
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LISAKS -17% Price: 16.90 € / 14.89 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 11%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp CLD-35 for 2 Tubes
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp CLD-35 for 2 Tubes
The Falcon Eyes CLD-35 Tube Clamp is a connection clamp used to connect 2 tubes, tables or boards up to 35mm thick. The clamps are made of metal and contain a rubber coating to prevent damage and slipping.
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LISAKS -13% Price: 11.90 € / 10.83 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp FB-005-3 28 up to 35 mm
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp FB-005-3 28 up to 35 mm
The Falcon Eyes FB-005-3 Tube Clamp is a sturdy clamp that can be mounted on tubes from 28mm up to 35mm thick. In addition, the FB-005-3 is equipped with a hexagonal adapter. An optional CL-22 Super Clamp can be mounted on this ...
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LISAKS -12% Price: 13.90 € / 12.64 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 9%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp With Hook CL-35H
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp With Hook CL-35H
The Falcon Eyes CL-35H Tube Clamp is a metal tube clamp equipped with a hook. The CL-35H can, for example, be used to hang a counterweight from a boom arm. The clamp can be fixed to the boom arm itself, allowing you to hang a ...
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LISAKS -21% Price: 8.90 € / 7.67 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 13%
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp with Tripod Tube Mount CSA-GH
Falcon Eyes kinnitus Tube Clamp with Tripod Tube Mount CSA-GH
The Falcon Eyes CSA-GH Tube Clamp with Tripod Tube Mount is a metal tube clamp designed to attach a tube or arm to a C-Stand. The clamp is made of heavy duty metal.
LISAKS -1% Price: 24.75 €   |   Preorder
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Eelmine leht Järgmine leht