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Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS120-F faltbare Softbox for PavoSlim
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS120-F faltbare Softbox for PavoSlim
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS120-F faltbare Softbox for PavoSlim
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Price: 112 € / 86 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 8.09 €
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Discount 23%
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS120-Q for PavoSlim Schnellspann Softbox
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS120-Q for PavoSlim Schnellspann Softbox
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS120-Q for PavoSlim Schnellspann Softbox
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Price: 137 € / 106 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.03 €
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Discount 22%
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS60-F faltbare Softbox for PavoSlim
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS60-F faltbare Softbox for PavoSlim
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS60-F faltbare Softbox for PavoSlim
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Price: 87 € / 67 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 11.89 €
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Discount 23%
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS60-Q for PavoSlim Schnellspann Softbox
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS60-Q for PavoSlim Schnellspann Softbox
Nanlite Nanlite SB-PS60-Q for PavoSlim Schnellspann Softbox
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Price: 107 € / 82 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.71 €
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Discount 23%
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Nanlite Pavotube Transparent T12 Clip with Magnet
Nanlite Pavotube Transparent T12 Clip with Magnet
Price: 16.75 €   |   Out of stock
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Nanlite peegeldi  FL 20 Fresnel-Vorsatz for Forza 300/500
Nanlite peegeldi FL 20 Fresnel-Vorsatz for Forza 300/500
For Forza 300 LED spot light as well as LED lights up to 300 W maximum and flash heads with Bowens bayonet mount.; With Fresnel lens for focusing the light and to achieve a higher illuminance.; Angle of radiation can be adjusted ...
Price: 220 €   |   Out of stock Kuumakse al. 7.60 €
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Nanlite projektori kinnitus PJ-FZ60-19 Projector Mount
Nanlite projektori kinnitus PJ-FZ60-19 Projector Mount
19-Degree Beam Spread; For Dramatic, Theatrical Effects; Ideal Accent Light, Selective Lighting; Includes 4 Gobos, Gel and Gobo Holders; Optional 18-Bladed Iris; Nylon-Coated Metal Housing
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Price: 371 € / 287 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 9.06 €
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Discount 22%
Nanlite projektsioonikinnitus PJ-FZ60-36 Projection Mount for Forza 60 60B 36°
Nanlite projektsioonikinnitus PJ-FZ60-36 Projection Mount for F...
Nanlite projektsioonikinnitus PJ-FZ60-36 Projection Mount for Forza 60 60B 36°
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Price: 435 € / 337 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 10.64 €
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Discount 22%
Nanlite püsivalgusti FC-120C LED RGB
Nanlite püsivalgusti FC-120C LED RGB
Kvaliteetne RGB LED-valgusti; Valgustemperatuur: 2700–7500 K; DMX, RDM, Bluetooth & 2,4 GHz; Neli jahutusventilaatori töörežiimi; Komplektis mugav kandekohver
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NEW MODEL Price: 319 €   |   In stock (6-8 working days) Kuumakse al. 10.08 €
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Nanlite püsivalgusti Forza 60 II LED
Nanlite püsivalgusti Forza 60 II LED
Võimas 72 W LED püsivalgusti; Valgustemperatuur: 5600 K; Valgustugevus muudetav 0–100%; DMX, RDM, Bluetooth & 2,4 GHz tugi; Erinevad valgustusrežiimid
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Price: 333 €   |   Preorder Kuumakse al. 10.52 €
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Nanlite püsivalgusti Forza 60B II LED
Nanlite püsivalgusti Forza 60B II LED
Võimas 72 W LED püsivalgusti; Valgustemperatuur: 2700–6500 K; Valgustugevus muudetav 0–100%; DMX, RDM, Bluetooth & 2,4 GHz tugi; Erinevad valgustusrežiimid
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Price: 361 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 11.40 €
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Nanlite püsivalgusti Forza 60C RGBLAC LED
Nanlite püsivalgusti Forza 60C RGBLAC LED
Võimekas RGBLAC LED-valgusti; Valgustemperatuur: 1800–20000 K; Valgustugevus muudetav 0–100%; DMX, RDM, Bluetooth & 2,4 GHz tugi; Erinevad valgustusrežiimid
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Price: 498 €   |   In stock (6-8 working days) Kuumakse al. 15.73 €
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Nanlite softboks LT-120 Lantern for Forza 200/300/500
Nanlite softboks LT-120 Lantern for Forza 200/300/500
LT-120 laterna softboxil on standardne Bowensi kinnitus, mis sobib Forza 300, Forza 500 kohtvalgustiga ja ühildub ka teiste Bowensi kinnitusega kinnitusdetailidega.; 270-kraadine valgustus, mis levitab ühtlaselt pehmet valgust ...
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Price: 353 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 11.15 €
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Nanlite softboks LT-80 Lantern Softbox for Forza 200/300/500
Nanlite softboks LT-80 Lantern Softbox for Forza 200/300/500
LT-80 laterna softboxil on standardne Bowensi kinnitus, mis sobib Forza 300, Forza 500 kohtvalgustiga ja ühildub ka teiste Bowensi kinnitusega kinnitusdetailidega.; 270-kraadine valgustus, mis levitab ühtlaselt pehmet valgust igas ...
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Price: 199 € / 154 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 8.07 €
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Discount 22%
Nanlite softboks LT-FZ60 Lantern Softbox for Forza 60 60B
Nanlite softboks LT-FZ60 Lantern Softbox for Forza 60 60B
Laterna softbox LT-FMM-60 ei saa mitte ainult kinnitada Forza 60-le, vaid me kujundasime selle jaoks ka Bowensi kinnitusadapteri.; 270-kraadine valgustus, mis levitab ühtlaselt pehmet valgust igas suunas.; See on ideaalne pehme ja ...
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Price: 125 € / 96 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 9.03 €
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Discount 23%
Nanlite softboks SB-FZ60 Parabolic Softbox Forza 60, 60cm
Nanlite softboks SB-FZ60 Parabolic Softbox Forza 60, 60cm
Kvaliteetne softboks; Ühildub Nanlite Forza 60 valgustitega; Loob ühtlase pehme valguse
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Price: 165 €   |   In stock (6-8 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.27 €
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Nanlite softboks SB-PR-90Q Parabol Softbox for Forza 200/300/500
Nanlite softboks SB-PR-90Q Parabol Softbox for Forza 200/300/50...
Reportaaži- ja stuudioprožektoritele Nanlite Forza 300, samuti LED-valgustitele/prožektoritele kuni max. 500 W ja Bowensi bajonettühendusega välgupead. Ei sobi kuuma valgusega (nt halogeen- või hõõglambid) tuledele/esituledele.
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Price: 250 € / 193 €   |   In stock (5-7 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.44 €
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Discount 22%
Nanlite stuudiovalgusti 1200CSA LED Double Kit
Nanlite stuudiovalgusti 1200CSA LED Double Kit
Nanlite stuudiovalgusti 1200CSA LED Double Kit; Värvitemperatuur: 3200 - 5600 K; Heledus on pidevalt hämardatav; Sisseehitatud raadiovastuvõtja heleduse ja värvitemperatuuri juhtmevabaks juhtimiseks; Ekraan seatud heleduse, ...
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Price: 1 211 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 38.25 €
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Nanlite stuudiovalgusti 600CSA LED Double Kit
Nanlite stuudiovalgusti 600CSA LED Double Kit
Nanlite stuudiovalgusti 600CSA LED Double Kit; Värvitemperatuur: 3200 - 5600 K; Heledus on pidevalt hämardatav; Sisseehitatud raadiovastuvõtja heleduse ja värvitemperatuuri juhtmevabaks juhtimiseks; Ekraan seatud heleduse, ...
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Price: 751 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 23.72 €
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Nanlite stuudiovalgusti Nanlite Beleuchtungs-Set 900CSA LED DoubleKit
Nanlite stuudiovalgusti Nanlite Beleuchtungs-Set 900CSA LED Dou...
Nanlite stuudiovalgusti Nanlite Beleuchtungs-Set 900CSA LED DoubleKit
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Price: 990 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 31.27 €
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