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Sirui softboks Balloon Softbox RGQ65 65cm
Sirui softboks Balloon Softbox RGQ65 65cm
This RGQ65 softbox from Sirui helps you diffuse light. Just the way you want it. You fold it in and out easily, thanks to the special metal construction. Once unfolded, the RGQ65 softbox keeps its shape very well. And when folded, ...
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Price: 69 € / 63.04 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 11.18 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui softboks Sirui Softbox QR40 40 cm
Sirui softboks Sirui Softbox QR40 40 cm
This QR40 softbox from Sirui helps you spread the light is especially for the C150X from Sirui. Just the way you want it. You fold it in and out easily, thanks to the special metal construction. Once unfolded, the QR40 softbox ...
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NEW MODEL Price: 59 € / 55.23 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 6%
Sirui softboks Sirui Softbox RGX6090 60x90 cm
Sirui softboks Sirui Softbox RGX6090 60x90 cm
This RGX6090 softbox from Sirui helps you diffuse light. Just the way you want it. You easily put it together with the included sticks. Once assembled, the RGX6090 softbox keeps its shape very well. And taken apart, the softbox is ...
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Price: 25.90 € / 24.38 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 5%
Sirui softboks Softbox RGX105 105cm
Sirui softboks Softbox RGX105 105cm
Tänu spetsiaalsele metallkonstruktsioonile saate selle hõlpsalt sisse ja välja voltida. Lahtivoldituna hoiab RGX105 softbox väga hästi vormi. Ja kokkupanduna on softbox kompaktne kaasa võtmiseks. Teete seda kaasasolevas kotis. ...
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Price: 189 € / 172.86 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.62 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui softboks Softbox RGX60 60cm
Sirui softboks Softbox RGX60 60cm
Tänu spetsiaalsele metallkonstruktsioonile saate selle hõlpsalt sisse ja välja voltida. Lahtivoldituna hoiab RGX60 softbox väga hästi vormi. Ja kokkupanduna on softbox kompaktne kaasa võtmiseks. Saate seda teha kaasasolevas kotis. ...
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Price: 89 € / 81.39 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.66 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui Spare Reflector
Sirui Spare Reflector
Sirui's spare reflector is an 18 cm diameter reflector suitable for studio flash units with a Bowens/Linkstar bayonet connection. With this reflector, you limit the angle of the flash light to approximately 55 degrees, giving ...
Price: 14.90 €   |   Out of stock
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Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Monolight C150B
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Monolight C150B
Sirui võimsa tipptasemel C150B Monolightiga on teie käsutuses tohutult 150 vatti LED-valgustit. Kvaliteetne valgus annab loomulikud värvid. Tugev metallkorpus tagab teie töö usaldusväärse ja ohutu. Igal pool ja igal ajal. Sirui ...
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Price: 529 € / 483.37 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 15.27 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Monolight C300B
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Monolight C300B
Sirui võimsa tipptasemel C300B Monolightiga on teie käsutuses tohutult 300 vatti LED-valgustit. Kvaliteetne valgus annab loomulikud värvid. Tugev metallkorpus tagab teie töö usaldusväärse ja ohutu. Igal pool ja igal ajal. Sirui ...
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Price: 669 € / 611.25 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 19.31 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Monolight CS100B
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Monolight CS100B
Sirui võimsa tipptasemel CS100B Monolightiga on teie käsutuses tohutult 100 vatti LED-valgustit. Kvaliteetne valgus annab loomulikud värvid. Tugev metallkorpus tagab teie töö usaldusväärse ja ohutu. Igal pool ja igal ajal. Sirui ...
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Price: 159 € / 145.18 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.61 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Spot Light C60B
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Bi-Color LED Spot Light C60B
Avastage ülikompaktne universaalne C60B LED-lamp Sirui Spotlighti seeriast. Kvaliteet ja uuenduslikkus teevad tipptasemel lambi, mis mahub teie peopessa. Ärge laske kompaktsel suurusel end petta, sest C60B on tõeline jõuallikas. ...
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Price: 279 € / 255 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 8.05 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Daylight LED Monolight C150
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Daylight LED Monolight C150
Sirui võimsa tipptasemel C150 Monolightiga on teie käsutuses tohutult 150 vatti LED-valgustit. Kvaliteetne valgus annab loomulikud värvid. Tugev metallkorpus tagab teie töö usaldusväärse ja ohutu. Igal pool ja igal ajal. Sirui ...
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Price: 419 € / 382.88 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 12.09 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Daylight LED Monolight C300
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Daylight LED Monolight C300
Sirui võimsa tipptasemel C300 Monolightiga on teie käsutuses tohutult 300 vatti LED-valgustit. Kvaliteetne valgus annab loomulikud värvid. Tugev metallkorpus tagab teie töö usaldusväärse ja ohutu. Igal pool ja igal ajal. Sirui ...
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Price: 599 € / 547.46 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 17.29 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Daylight LED Monolight CS100
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Daylight LED Monolight CS100
Sirui stuudiovalgusti Daylight LED Monolight CS100
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Price: 129 € / 117.80 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.81 €
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Discount 8%
Sirui V-Mount aku Battery Plate VM-03
Sirui V-Mount aku Battery Plate VM-03
Sirui V-Mount aku Battery Plate VM-03
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NEW MODEL Price: 31.90 € / 29.80 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 6%
Sirui V-Mount Battery Plate VM-01
Sirui V-Mount Battery Plate VM-01
The Sirui VM-01 V-mount battery plate is a handy solution for filmmakers and videographers who need a reliable power source for their gear. This battery plate allows you to use V-mount batteries, providing long-lasting power ...
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Price: 35.90 € / 33.41 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 6%
Sirui välguhajuti Sirui Foldable Deep Octabox QR120-DP 120cm
Sirui välguhajuti Sirui Foldable Deep Octabox QR120-DP 120cm
This QR120-DP softbox from Sirui helps you spread the light. Just the way you want it. You fold it in and out easily, thanks to the special metal construction. Once unfolded, the QR120-DP softbox keeps its shape very well. And ...
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Price: 179 € / 165.97 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.32 €
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Discount 7%
Sirui välguhajuti Sirui Foldable Deep Octabox QR90-DP 90cm
Sirui välguhajuti Sirui Foldable Deep Octabox QR90-DP 90cm
This QR90-DP softbox from Sirui helps you spread the light. Just the way you want it. You fold it in and out easily, thanks to the special metal construction. Once unfolded, the QR90-DP softbox keeps its shape very well. And when ...
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Price: 149 € / 137.98 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 7.23 €
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Discount 7%
Sirui välguhajuti Sirui Foldable Softbox QR6090 60x90 cm
Sirui välguhajuti Sirui Foldable Softbox QR6090 60x90 cm
This QR6090 softbox from Sirui helps you spread the light. Just the way you want it. You fold it in and out easily, thanks to the special metal construction. Unfolding is done by double folding ring by clicking(see photo 4). Once ...
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Price: 53 € / 49.21 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days)
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Discount 7%
Sirui valguspaneel RGB LED Panel B25R-D Bendable
Sirui valguspaneel RGB LED Panel B25R-D Bendable
Sellel D versioonil on 2 B25R paneeli ja mõlema jaoks ühendusklamber. Kas soovite valguse nurka suurendada või vähendada? Või soovite valguse peegelduse ideaalselt oma objektiga sobitada? Siis on Sirui painutatav B25R-D paneel ...
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Price: 329 € / 304.70 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 9.62 €
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Discount 7%
Sirui valgustipaneel RGB LED Panel B25R Bendable
Sirui valgustipaneel RGB LED Panel B25R Bendable
Kas soovite valguse nurka suurendada või vähendada? Või soovite valguse peegeldust oma objektile ideaalselt kohandada? Siis on Sirui painutatav B25R paneel ideaalne. Tänu 9 erinevale sektsioonile painutate paneeli kahel viisil.
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Price: 169 € / 156.64 €   |   In stock (7-9 working days) Kuumakse al. 8.21 €
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Discount 7%

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