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StudioKing taustahoidja Background System Electric B-3WE for 3 rolls
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StudioKing taustahoidja Background System Electric B-3WE for 3 rolls

Ühe nupuvajutusega saate taustarulli üles-alla rullida. B-3WE on StudioKingi elektrisüsteem ja see võib kanda kuni 3 rulli. Selle süsteemiga saate hõlpsalt valida, millist värvi soovite taustana kasutada. Taustsüsteemi laiuse määrate oma paberirulli põhjal. Kaasasoleva kaugjuhtimispuldiga saad rullid üles või alla rullida.

Цена: 209 € / 197.93 €

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Roll up and down your background rolls with 1 push of a button. The B-3WE is an electric system from StudioKing and can carry up to 3 rolls. With this system you easily choose which color you want to use as background. You determine the width of the background system based on your paper roll. With the included remote control you can roll the rolls up or down.

Application StudioKing Backdrop System Electric B-3WE for 3 Rolls

You hang the system on the wall or ceiling. Then you hang the rolls in between. There are power cables attached to the roll holder that you plug into the controller on the bracket. All you do is plug in the motor and press the remote control. With the remote control you choose which roller to raise or lower. The remote control works with 2x 23A batteries (12v). A very simple system!

From the ceiling, the full height of the background system is 40 cm. The rollers (their center) have the following distances seen from the ceiling: 11cm, 14cm, 18cm and 21cm. The maximum depth is 40cm. The total outside dimension including the longest roll of 2.72 meters is 2.93 meters. The maximum loadable weight per roll holder is 10kg.

Toote ID1267704
Код производителя52-572781
Домашняя страница производителяStudioKing taustahoidja Background System Electric B-3WE for 3 rolls

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